January 14, 2022
Please see the latest updates from Mr. Henderson in this letter!

November 1, 2021
Dufur School has a new CTE coordinator, and with the Ranger Pride Education Foundation we are developing a Ranger TECH program that will offer many opportunities for Dufur student...

October 22, 2021
We will be having Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 28th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Friday, October 29th from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Thursday is a regular school day fo...

October 14, 2021
Masonic Lodge 15 has generously donated two bikes to be awarded to two K-5th grade students who improve the most on their reading.
Reading improvement will be based on each gra...
October 13, 2021
Mr. Henderson has several things to share with the Dufur School Community this month. Please click here to read his letter with important news and updates.

October 13, 2021
Please support the DHS Junior Class as they fundraise in conjunction with MOD Pizza. Enjoy pizza on Sunday, October 24th from MOD Pizza and support the class!

October 13, 2021
Parents: Please join Mrs. Beeson for this year's Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting on November 4th!

October 7, 2021
This year's Jerri Walker DePriest Auction will be held on-line. REGISTER NOW! Preview items and purchase your Live Viewing Package at www.auctionsalesco.com . Program and final ...
September 24, 2021
Please see the attached letter with information about September 21st COVID-19 exposures . Please contact us if you have any questions!
September 22, 2021
Here are details about recent cases of COVID-19 related to the school. Please read the attached letter and contact us if you have any further questions. If you would like to ...

September 16, 2021
Please review our guidelines for spectators who attend Ranger Fall sporting events . We are continually thankful for our community and the support we get to ensure our students g...

September 16, 2021
Due to current state guidelines and restrictions, the 2021 Jerri Walker DePriest Dinner & Auction will now be an on-line auction only. Auction items will be available for review ...

September 10, 2021
We will be having Lifetouch Photography here on Monday, September 20th. They will be taking individual school photos , class photos and fall sports photos . Order forms will be ...

August 13, 2021
Here is the latest information about the upcoming school year from Superintendent Henderson. As always, please contact us if you have any questions.
August 12, 2021
Dear Parents and Families, As a state and community, we have a shared goal to ensure that every student in Oregon is able to attend school in-person, every school day for the en...
August 4, 2021
Our local, regional school districts are working together to adjust to the newest guidance from the state around Covid-19 and masking requirements for the upcoming school year. H...

July 26, 2021
Here is our school supply list for the upcoming school year. Our first day of classes will be September 7th!
July 13, 2021
Check out these two great summer opportunities for Dufur students. There will be a K-5th grade Summer Basketball Camp and 6th-8th grade Jr. Weight Training .
June 30, 2021
Wasco County places emergency ban on fireworks effective immediately.

May 28, 2021
The stage is set for the graduation of the Class of 2021. The ceremony will be Saturday, May 29th at noon. Congratulations graduates!