Please join us for the Jerri Walker DePriest Spaghetti Dinner on January 31st!
over 4 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
Spaghetti Dinner Flyer
Dufur School students, parents, staff members and community members are invited to complete our Student Success Act Survey. For more information, visit the "NEWS" section of our website!
over 4 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
The Dufur Spanish program was awarded a grant that will make it possible for all high school Spanish students to attend a Cinco de Mayo cultural experience this May in Portland. This experience is supported by a grant from the Wasco County Cultural Trust Coalition with funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust to support Oregon's arts, heritage, and the humanities.
over 4 years ago, Kristin Whitley
Correction, the games at Condon have been rescheduled for Wednesday February 12, at 4:00 and 5:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Jack Henderson
HS 9th & 10th graders- Checkout the Ruralite Publication for info on an all expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. Applications due by January 17th. Visit or stop by the WEC office at 105 E. 4th St in The Dalles or call 541-296-2740 for an application.
over 4 years ago, Jenny Collins
Thomas in Washington D.C.
Dufur Students are AMAZING! Lots to celebrate in this Season of Giving.
over 4 years ago, Jenny Collins
Food Drive Work Crew
At the beginning of our time together for social/emotional learning, we check in as a class of how we are feeling. We use 👍 (great day) 👎 (tough day) or thumb to the side for doing ok today. Students sometimes share why they are feeling the way they are and we often ask what we can do to help if someone is a 👎. Yesterday in Mrs. Flores’ Kindergarten class, a student responded that a hug would help. Her classmates immediately asked “GROUP HUG????”, when she replied “Yes”, this is the support she got! I am in constant awe of the empathy, respect and love our kids show one another on a daily basis!
over 4 years ago, Tiffany Kenslow
Amazing Kindergarteners!!
Students in 7th and 8th grade art have spent the past couple of weeks painting pictures on the temporary construction wall in the main hallway. Some traced, but many hand-drew theirs. Sophomore Hannah Kortge painted the large, amazing Maleficent--drawn completely by hand!
almost 5 years ago, Sarah Anderson
We will be taking our winter sports photos on Monday, December 9th. Order forms were sent home today!
almost 5 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
Winter sports order form
The Freshman Class is having a "Christmas Grams" fundraiser. The last day to order will be December 17th!
almost 5 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
Holiday Gram flyer
Our Title and After School Programs hosted a "Family Fun Night" last night. Families enjoyed hot chocolate, decorating cookies, making an ornament and playing bingo.
almost 5 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
Family Fun 1
Family Fun2
Family Fun3
Family Fun4
Good morning Dufur School families! This is just a reminder that today is an early release at 1:00 p.m. for students.
almost 5 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
This Fall, our Elementary students have been learning the difference between small problems and big problems with the curriculum Kelso’s Choices. Kelso’s Choices empowers kids to solve problems on their own with the guidance and support of trusted adults. Kelso the frog teaches kids that they are smart enough and strong enough to resolve conflict. Our awesome 5th graders have been working on projects to reinforce these choices throughout our school. Be sure to ask your kids about Kelso’s Choices!
almost 5 years ago, Tiffany Kenslow
Great Work 5th graders!
Great job 5th Grade!
Use Kelso’s Choices!
5th Graders and their posters!
Mark your calendar for Dufur School's Family Fun Night on December 4th!
almost 5 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
Fun night flyer
Today is an early release for students at 1:00 p.m. There is no school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. We wish all our families a very happy Thanksgiving!
almost 5 years ago, Bonnie Everson Lepinski
Thanks to The Wasco County Sheriff's Dept., and the Oregon State Police for participating in Dufur Schools lock down drill yesterday! Working to keep our students and staff safe!
almost 5 years ago, Jack Henderson
Lane Magill
Construction Progress!
almost 5 years ago, Jack Henderson
Mrs. Wilson's high school anatomy and physiology class (and other guest high school classes) welcomed Tracy Hoyle from Donate Life Northwest to learn about organ, eye, and tissue donation. Mrs. Hoyle is a two-time heart transplant recipient and kidney transplant recipient.
almost 5 years ago, Sarah Anderson
Seventh grade art students painted these acrylic masterpieces on canvas with the help of a video tutorial. They were able to trace the outline of the truck, but everything else was all their work!
almost 5 years ago, Sarah Anderson
Dufur School Honors Veterans!
almost 5 years ago, Jack Henderson